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Written by Lucas Doyle, an engineer living in San Francisco
  1. October 27, 2016

    Ever wanted to use google imagery inside of a leaflet map? This is just a small example of a google maps imagery / base layers hosted inside…

  2. August 15, 2016

    Ever wanted to piss off your team by generating plausible (but fake) sounding bug reports? Then look no further! This guide will walk you…

  3. May 28, 2015

    This is a custom description for SEO and Open Graph purposes, rather than the default generated excerpt. Simply add a description field to the frontmatter.

  4. May 06, 2015

    Wow! I love blogging so much already. Did you know that “despite its name, salted duck eggs can also be made from chicken eggs, though the…

  5. February 11, 2015

    I had the opportunity to go to Google I/O last week. Overall not a ton of new announcements, 80% of everything was Android related and it…

  6. December 10, 2014

    As some of you may know, I have left Tokyo and the world of industrial robotics and am now in the midst of immersing myself in the world of…

  7. October 10, 2014

    I’ve been working on some new WebGL related projects for a 3d viewer and editor that targets robotics applications. My three.js fork All…

  8. October 08, 2014

    I came up with this fairly scary bash one liner that will periodically ssh into a machine that you have access to, take a screenshot and…

  9. August 19, 2014

    Update (9-18-2014): Turns out the FCC just ended up releasing all the data in bluk and other people have already cleaned it up and are doing…

  10. July 31, 2014

    Buttsoup is a silly little text to speech web chat thing I made a few months ago. It allowed me to familiarize myself with a few…

  11. July 31, 2014 As the friendly neighborhood web developer at MUJIN, one of my responsibilities is our…

  12. July 31, 2014

    A month ago my friend Rhys and I hiked up Mt. Major with my plane and his gopro and managed to get a pretty decent flight recording from the…

  13. June 02, 2014

    Stonelinks has been around since 2008. It is six years old as of this writing. I feel like that is a long time in internet years. It seems…

  14. October 31, 2013

    Back in November I had the chance to take a survey of all the different binpicking systems at the International Robotics Exhibition (IREX…

  15. January 05, 2013

    Update 07-07-2013: I’ve come up with an even newer iteration of my resume, see it here and the actual code that powers it on github here…

  16. April 29, 2012 A few months ago I came up with a quick and dirty way to write text documents. I’m calling it Lite…

  17. April 21, 2012

    Good news and bad news! The good news is that in the last month or so at RPI, my friend Drew and I were able to cobble together some…

  18. January 01, 2012

    I got really bored over the holidays and wrote a very naive sudoku solver in C++. Check out this gist to see it!

  19. March 13, 2011

    I finally have it working! Very excited as I write this. So glad spring break exists otherwise I’d never have the time for this. Long story…

  20. March 13, 2011

    The code needs a little more polish before I’m happy releasing it, but here is a demo video of the latest incarnation of the ‘bot doing some…

  21. January 25, 2011 Another example of python being super useful. I found myself today with a need to network a…

  22. January 06, 2011

    RPI health and safety inspections did not take kindly to my door mounted Robo-Schwarzenegger. Apparently I’m not breaking any rules with an…

  23. December 21, 2010

    Home for the break! My brother asked me for help making a small electromagnet to bring into Boy Scouts for electricity merit badge. I of…

  24. December 20, 2010

    Looks like the kinks of my new two-server setup are not ironed out. I just got home from RPI and the old Dell is acting wacky at school. I…

  25. November 24, 2010

    Suzanne has told me to stop working on the current iteration of the documentation as I had been writing it for an audience unacquainted with…

  26. November 21, 2010

    I’m using the documentation I’m writing for work at the Harvard-Smithsonain Center for Astrophysics as an excuse to learn LaTeX. For those…

  27. November 21, 2010

    LabVIEW is a necessary and constant evil with my work at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, but sometimes it pulls through…

  28. November 11, 2010

    I don’t get to fool around with my own projects nearly as much as I would like, but this weekend I did devote a few hours to finishing up a…

  29. September 29, 2010

    I love nothing more in life than creating and tinkering with the stuff around me. Over the years, this love has taken many different forms…

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